Friday, November 2, 2012

Get a Hobby

My husband is convinced I need a hobby.

"What do you like to do for fun?" He asked me the other night, as if we were on our first date.

The frustrating thing is I didn't really know. 

Sure, I like to do crafts, sew, cook new recipes and of course write but everything I do has an end purpose.  I like to sew useful things like pj pants for the boys or produce bags.  My crafts consist of stuff for the house.  I was starting to see his point.  What do I like to do?  I can't even count killing time on Pinterest because I  mostly pin stuff I'd like to make or clean.  I like to create, but when it comes to doing something just for the sake of fun, the closest I come is laughing it up with old friends.

My husband plays hockey so this is an easy one for him.  It's something he does. 

Here's the problem:  I can't stand waste, and in this case of a hobby I'd consider it a waste of time and/or money.  I'm constantly multitasking (ya know, eating a bowl of cereal while reading, teaching math while flipping a load of laundry...) and it has become a bad habit of mine to think that if I'm not accomplishing something - or two things - that I can check off my to-do list, I'm not doing something beneficial.

This could not be further from the truth.

God, the Creator of the whole universe took a day off to rest.  Why?  Because He needed it?  Of course not.  To set an example...because we need it. 

We need rest.  We need recharging.  I need more waking hours than my children because I need some hours without them that I can be a better mother.  And for goodness sake, it appears I need a hobby.

So what's the conclusion?  Sew for the sake of sewing? Kill some time for the sake of killing time? Sort of.

Without giving my mind time to decompress, it remains in fight or flight response and I become...stressed...from lack of rest.  I don't have a medical journal to quote this but I'm sure I've read it somewhere before and by golly, it just makes sense.

So what's my hobby gonna be?  I really don't know yet.  Maybe I'll read a book for once just because I want to read it, not because it's importing information into my mind to effect my life (can someone direct me to the fiction section of the library...seems I totally lost my way some time after college).  Whatever it is, I'll make darn sure it's something I do with no purpose involved but fun. 

What's your hobby?


  1. Blogging is a hobby! You should definitely read a book just for the sake of reading it though. How frivolous, right?

  2. Girl, I will give you a hundred books to read! Then we can discuss. Or you can pick a book and then we'll talk it out later. It'll be our own mini book club :)
