Friday, May 31, 2013

Rinnagade Summer of Fun

This past Monday we kicked off what we are calling The Rinna Family Summer of Fun.  We borrowed this idea from friends of ours and here's the basic set up:

* Create a family bucket list for summer
* Let each kid pick one activity they want to do for sure this summer
* Post it up and work on checking off the list!
 Why this is a good idea...
* Fosters family unity
* Keeps the focus on family during summer
* You're involving the kids and showing them they are legitimate family members with opinions that matter
* You're being intentional - setting a goal and following through - which is a great lesson for the kids
* If you've made goals for the year, this is a great time to check in and see how you're doing
* Teaches kids a sense of seasons and time of year
* ummm...because it's FUN!!

Some ideas for you...
* The Zoo
* Swim Lessons
* Lego Camp
* Art Camp
* Pro Baseball Game
* Backyard Campout
* Catch fireflies
* Roast Marshmellows

Here's how we set ours up:
I bought dry erase poster board (LOVE THIS STUFF!) at Hobby Lobby for about $3 and drew in the calendar.

I found the cute Summer Bucket Lists underneath on Pinterest and they are pinned on my "Summer Fun" Board if you want to print them.

Happy Summer of Fun!!!!!


  1. What a cool idea! Mine would be titled "The Summer of Just Getting Through It." LOL. Not really. We bought pool passes so I guess we'll live up there when it gets hot.

  2. lol...ours may very well become that title!! we've already rearranged some stuff...glad I went with dry erase!

  3. LOVE this idea! I'm stealing it. :)

  4. Great idea!!! Stealing it. We love setting goals and the girls thrive on schedules.

  5. How fun! I was just trying to plan out some summer activities, I love this!
