Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day: Don't Miss the Lesson

My kids have a habit of asking "what's today?" and wanting to know what we are doing.  This morning I told them today is a special day - and not just because daddy's off work.  It's why daddy's off work that makes it special.
Memorial Day can be a heavy topic because it deals with death but I think it's important not to shield our little ones from every uncomfortable subject.  The trade off is that they miss the appreciation of a special and critical life lesson.


Nothing comes from nothing.  Or as the bumper stickers say, "Freedom ain't free."

Because it isn't.

I know that first hand because I get to live with an amazing man who fought to preserve it.  My husband is a veteran of the Iraq War.  Praise God he came back in one piece, but we all know that is not every bride's story.
Some lost it all so we could have BBQs, go swimming, and enjoy the superfluous freedoms of this country.  It's not something we should feel bad about - but it's certainly not something we should let fall to the wayside when teaching our children.

By the grace of a sovereign God, we are Americans.  The richest and most endowed of all nations.  Ever.

Sure we have our flaws.  But we have more to be thankful for than we do to complain about.  It's a great place to live.

And it's because men and women all over this country thought it was better to give their lives than to lose it.

There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. - John 15:13 NLT

Thank a Vet today.  Thank God today for those who died.  And if there is a war widow in your life, by all means, today is the day to show your appreciation.
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