Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Secret Santa

I got a phone call the other morning during the rush of getting ready for the day.  It was a number I didn't recognize, but I picked up anyway (which is rare).

"Hi Cindy," said the stranger's voice.  "Santa just wanted to make sure you got the package in front of your van.  Okay, bye!"

I told my husband and like little kids, we ran outside, racing to get to this package first.

I won't go into what was inside, it doesn't matter.  I'll just say it was something personal that not many people even knew about.  I tried to narrow down the giver by the gifts' contents but I stopped myself. 

Gifts are more for the giver than the receiver.
This person had obviously taken great pains to ensure I did not know who it was from; from the mysterious phone call to the carefully written unrecognizable handwriting on the card.  And like the Bible says in Matthew 6:3, "when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing."  Even Jesus is a fan of the Secret Santa idea. 

A gift, totally undeserved, given by someone I can never return the favor to.  It's a picture of grace.

If you happen to be reading this, Secret Santa, thank you, thank you, thank you.  Your gift made our day and our weekend, as well. 

And for everyone else, let this inspire you as it has inspired me.  Do a random act of kindness today.  With all the random acts of violence happening, we could sure use some more kindness. 

Do something nice for someone who can never repay you.  Pay attention to people; listen between the lines for their needs as they talk about their day to day life.  Pay for someone's toll, find a mom at a grocery store with kids and help her unload her groceries, or donate to a shelter.  Our local radio station, 88.1 Way FM, does something called the Drive-Thru Difference where you pay for the car behind you.  You can even print a note off their website to give to the person to tell them why you did it. 

Our God is a God of abundant gifts; he loves to give.  He gets a kick out of it.  It brings him joy to give and He wants us to experience the same wonderful feeling. 

Will you do that this Christmas?

Have you ever played Secret Santa to someone?  Have you ever been the recipient of Secret Santa?  Which was more fun?

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