Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 9 of Turning Your Kitchen Upside Down: How to Grocery Shop Part 2

Last week was about the prep and this week is about the trip.
The trick: Do not leave the house without your list. 
I mentally vow this to myself as I drive to the store: I swear to shop off the list, the whole list, and nothing but the list.

Leave some time for your first few trips when you are turning your kitchen upside down.  Try with all your might not to take children with you until you get this down.  In fact, take a thermos of tea with you and consider it alone time.  No one wants to spend their Saturday shopping, but in the beginning, that may have to happen until you’ve found products you can depend on to be healthy and yummy (they are not always both!)
Where I like to shop and why

It goes without saying that local is best.  I love to buy seasonal produce from the gas station up the street where local farmers sell. Whether it’s from the farm market or a farmer that you know, the more local the food the better...but don't even get me started on gardening ;)!
As for the grocery stores...
Aldi's – I buy as much as I can off my list here because it’s so cheap and I’m often surprised at their selection.  Just the other day I bought sweet potato chips that were fantastic and we buy our Greek yogurt there for less than a dollar a cup!  They have very clear and easy to read labels, especially for my magic letters: GF.  They are also hit or miss and do a lot of seasonal or special items so if you do find something, check if it’s a regular item or not and stock up if it isn’t.  Also, at Aldi's remember to bring your own bags and a quarter to "rent" the shopping cart.  This is why they can offer such low prices.
Publix – great selection of organics, produce, specialty items or hard to find recipe items, Boars Head lunch meat, coupon policy and customer service.  They do buy one get one free sales and a penny item once a week.  Like they claim, shopping really is a pleasure there!
Kroger – this is where I buy most of our stuff.  Their natural section is the easiest to navigate and their selection is a little better than Publix or maybe it just seems that way because it’s easier to find.  Their prices are a bit better, as well, on non-perishables/frozen/refrigerated.

In general, the trick with grocery stores is to cling to the outer aisles (except at Aldi’s where their set up is different).
Don’t want to leave the house?
Here's a couple of my favorite links to check out although I know there are many more! Subscribe & Save
Green Polka Dot Box

Happy Shopping!
This post is part of a series.  To catch up, read:
Day 8 of Turning Your Kitchen Upside Down: Grocery Shopping Part 1

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