Monday, August 6, 2012

Turn Your Kitchen Upside Down…In a Good Way!

Hey all,

Welcome to Day 1 of the series: Turn your kitchen upside a good way!
I mentioned in my page So What Do You Eat, Anyway? that changing your kitchen is a step by step process that took us almost a year to accomplish.  If you are interested in making some changes in your kitchen, I'm going to provide the baby step Cliff's Notes to my last year as I ventured down the road of gluten free and healthier eating.  Even if you don't want to go GF, you can pick and choose from this series on what will work for your family. 

Upfront disclaimer:  I am not a doctor or a specialized anything, really, unless you want to count my writing degree.  I'm just a mom with Celiac with kiddos who have Autism and I have learned an immense amount about nutrition over the last year due to my family and our circumstances.  Everything is this series is anecdotal with educated references and not intended to diagnose, treat, or heal anyone.  I will tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to how healthy living has changed our lives :).

Day 1:
Take a mental inventory on what your family is eating.  What is the ratio of produce to packaged?  How many times a week do you eat out compared to how often you cook?  How much water do you drink or see your family drinking? 
Get a mental footing at where you’re at currently.  Are you happy with this?

Now think about how you feel.  Are you tired?  Headachy?  Do certain foods bother you?  How are you sleeping?  Have you put on weight?  Is there an immediate problem you feel you need to address?
If you're reading this, you've already decided you want to make some changes and I'm sure it's along the lines of wanting more energy and being overall healthier.  So we can check that off the list. 
Start reading labels in your own cupboard and refrigerator – do you understand what you’re reading?  Are the labels three inches long or five ingredients long?

Goal of the day:  Figure out what you’re actually eating and what you would like to change.

This post is a part of a series.  To catch up, read:
Day 2 of Turning Your Kitchen Upside Down: Getting the Crew on Board
Day 3 of Turning Your Kitchen Upside Down: None of This! Part 1
Day 4 of Turning Your Kitchen Upside Down: None of This! Part 2

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