Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 2 of Turning your Kitchen Upside Down: Getting the Crew on Board

You need to get the family on board or at least alert them to what is going to happen and why.  You should discuss it with your spouse to make sure you’re on the same page but assume the kids are not going to be a fan of you ditching their Blue #2 fruit snacks for actual fruit.  The point is this will not work if dad and kids are hiding in the closet smashing store bought cupcakes and colorful cereals full of artificials.

The food in the grocery stores – especially the ones being pushed on TV commercials – for the most part are S.A.D. – a friend told me the acronym stands for “Standard American Diet.”  It is sad to see America’s health problems rise and to find out from my own personal research that so much of this can be traced back to what we eat and to what we are often told is “healthy.”  In 2011 I came to the following conclusion: If we change our diets, it will change our lives.  And it has.  We have more energy, we rarely get sick, I’ve seen a huge decrease in allergies, and improvement in behaviors.  As a recovering Celiac, I am so much more aware of what I put in my body and how it affects how I feel.  All I have to do is ingest a little “harmless” GF coffee creamer – one of those fu-fu-flavored ones – and I’m light headed and fuzzy brained. 
Another thing to do today is consider buying Elizabeth Strickland's book.  Even if nobody in your life has Autism, she will teach you all the nooks and crannies of nutrition.  I will cover alot of the steps in the book, but it's well worth the purchase.
A side note: I have never been a dieter but it seems like most “get healthy” pitches seem to dribble down to a common thought: drink water, get plenty of exercise, and ditch the processed foods.  Now I’m focusing on the kitchen here, but please assume that you’ve got to get moving to really get healthier.  Walk, bike ride, Yoga, Zumba, whatever you’ve got to do; find a family activity you can do together that does not involve a screen and get moving!

Is your family on board to turning your kitchen upside down?
This post is a part of a series.  To view the full series, see below:
Day 1 of Turning your Kitchen Upside a good way!

Day 3 of Turning Your Kitchen Upside Down: None of This! Part 1
Day 4 of Turning Your Kitchen Upside Down: None of This! Part 2

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